Yet another quick post.
I've come to realize what all I can actually accomplish if i really try. I'm sitting at a 3.6 GPA for the semester. I can't believe it. My goal was a 3.0. I'm so excited about it.
Elections are getting closer and closer. And i want to be president more than ever now. Things are looking real good for it too. God, i can't wait.
Now that homecomings over, talks about Pi Kapp's new homecoming king candidate for next year have been rising. The name that's being said the most? Yup, mine. Funny thing is, i actually have a really good chance at getting it too.
This is all what i came here for. I wanted to make a name for myself and be known. I wanted to be remembered. I'll be damned if i'm not.
Song of the day:
Marvin Gaye and Chardonnay by Big Sean
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Rolling On
Posted by Big V at 4:52 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Hold it up
I just want to blog this really quick because i'm hella tired from the first night of our haunted house and i just wanted to document this feeling for the future when i'm on my ass.
I live a very blessed life. And i take it for granted SO much. I have anything and everything a college student could ever want. I go to a large university and i am KNOWN. I can get into any club/group/organization/job i want on campus or in this community. This isn't me being cocky or anything. Just appreciating everything i've been given. I'm a student leader, and i have a damn well perfect life. Now that's something i don't ever want to give up or forget.
Song of the day:
Heartbeat by The Fray
Posted by Big V at 12:36 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Baby, Break Away
Everytime i come i get two thoughts.
1. I need to get away from here for good and never look back.
2. This is where i want to come back to when i get older and raise my kids here.
Now i know that these are polar opposites. But hear me out. Sometimes i just feel like i need to get the hell out of here. I just need to leave this place, realize that there is more to this world and move on with my life. I just want to get away. Not have to ever come back here and see these people ever again. Cause let's face it, if you've ever been to Jefferson county, you'll know exactly what i'm talking about. It is TURRRRABLE.
But then i go out and see people with families that know one another since their childhood. They all came back to raise their kids here and start a family here. I would get to be with my friends again. Our kids would grow up together knowing each other, being kind of like a family. I'd be in the town i basically grew up in too. These are the thoughts that run through my head. As much as i hate being from Jeffco, i've come to realize that your town shapes who you are. It's where you come from. It's where you go, and it's the place that will forever be with you.
In other news, spring break = trip to Boston? Perhaps! :D
Song of the day:
No Harm by The Boxer Rebellion
Posted by Big V at 12:41 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 10, 2011
Here's The Thing
I'm not exactly sure what to write about. I guess for so long i would blog all the time so i would always have a new story to tell or something to progress on. Now, i blog once or twice a month and i just don't know what i should say.
This is all my fault. I don't take time out of my day to just sit down and write like i used to. I guess that's something i can write about; change. Granted that is something that i write about all the flippin' time, it's something that has been on my mind lately.
I saw someone's status not too long ago that said something like, "Seeing people change isn't what hurts, it's remembering who they used to be that does." I could careless how this relates to people in my life. The first thing that i thought about was how this statement exemplifies me and my life. If i was on the outside looking in, would i hurt just by remembering what i used to be? Do i hurt, just being me, remembering what i used to be?
I'm not sure at all on how i would answer those questions if i had to answer them. I guess the only reason i don't have to answer them is because i'm scared to know how i would answer. Let's be honest here, everyone loves change. It's not until change happens that we begin to think about the past and start to hate change. Since it's me, i obviously think i changed for the better. Did i? What if it's all a matter of perspective, but it's only my perspective that's wrong.
I wonder if anyone even reads this stupid thing anymore. What am i thinking. I never had "writing ability." Just people being nice. Time to face the truth. It is what it is.
Going home for fall break. Probably gonna go to the homecoming game. Anyone gonna be there? Figured. Not likely.
Song of the day:
Asleep by Emily Browning
Posted by Big V at 10:47 PM 0 comments