Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Trouble With Friends.

So it seems as though there have been many friend issues going on lately. It's a part of nature and is bound to happen. Most people always say, "Why does this happen to me?" The truth is, it happens to everyone. Problems with the people you hang out with most are unstoppable, and truly only make you stronger. Some arise from foolish things, while others come about from serious matters. Now foolish and serious is defined differently by every person; but on a broad basis, either complication is worth fighting for. Whether you were at fault or not. Becoming the bigger person and trying to fix a friendship is much more valuable than to sit and gossip about the person or argue with them. That gets you absolutely no where. Instead of wasting the time whining about what's going out, solve the problem, and be on your way. I'd rather be with the people that mean the most to me than fight with those people to see who's right. Life's short, live it up. Make memories with the friends you'll be thinking about when you're old, and think back and the funny things you once did; not the fights you had. 

This is Big V, signing out.