Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I Left Something Out

I'm really sorry that I haven't really been keeping up with this. To be completely honest, i think the biggest reason i haven't been is because i don't think anyone really reads it anymore. I originally made this blog so that my friends could know about my life and stay up to date even if i was a bad friend that couldn't always be there for them and be open for them. It hurts me each and every day thinking about all the friends i once had, and the relationships i once had. And how i am the one that ruined them. I haven't really been available for anyone. People try to contact me all the time, and find out how i'm doing. But sometimes it's just so hard to find time. As bad as it sounds, i just can't fit everything into a day. I don't want to just send a few texts and be done, i want to actually have a full conversation with everyone. But i don't have the time to do that. I've been working on getting better at that though.

Maybe one day i'll be able to juggle everything and be involved in everyone's lives. And here's the thing, i don't hold this against anyone. Because this is my fault. I'm the one that isn't such a good friend. It'll get better. Slowly, but surely.

 For the few people that may or may not look at this, here's what's going on. Recruitment is finally over for Pi Kapp. I had one of the most successful recruitments of all time. And it lifted so much weight off of my shoulders. I love living in the house now, but sometimes i do miss being an RA. I knew this would happen. I am representing Pi Kapp for Greek God this semester. It's already proven to be quite the challenge. I've had so much to do between classes, recruitment, giving tours, meetings, greek jam practice, and now putting everything together to be Greek God. And to top it all off, i just found out today that i will be getting auctioned off to sorority girls next week for a date. That could either be really cool, or a huge downer. We shall see how it goes.

 I'm excited for the rest of this semester. However at the same time, i'm really nervous for it. I just don't know what it all entails. This could be the semester of all semesters. I think it will be.

 Oh and my birthday is in less than a week. Boom.

 Song of the day: I Can Barely Say by The Fray


Can't Jump For Joy said...

I just need to blog more. Every time I check it and you haven't updated, I cry. FOOD FOR THOUGHT.