Friday, September 16, 2011


Who just applied for a distinction in public affairs?! This guy! What the hell am i doing?!?!

I keep doing all this stuff, and i have no idea why. I just am. There's no rhyme or reason behind it. But hey, i guess it'll be beneficial?

My life choices are beyond questionable at this point.

I keep doing things that i know i shouldn't, yet it's what makes me happy. Is that too much to ask for? Like for real? Is a job really that important to where you shouldn't do what makes you happy instead? Maybe i did sign my soul away.

What am i doing with my life. FUCK.

Song of the day:

Los Federales by Signal Hill


Can't Jump For Joy said...

I think we need to have some Natalie and Vishal time soon.

And for the record, as long as you're happy, everything works out fine.