Sunday, December 26, 2010

Lonesome at its Best.

Today is December 26, 2010. Exactly 7 months ago i thought i had my whole life in check. Nothing could go wrong. A month and a half ago, i made a choice, a decision, that i would carry out on this day. And today, i realize that decision would've probably been the worst decision of my life.

Lately, my life has been pretty flustered. Most of it consisting of sitting at home watching movies. I go out whenever anyone wants to do anything. There's only so much to do around here. I miss being up at school so much.

My goal for the break probably won't be happening. I tried. I think? And trust me, it sucks. I'm surrounded by so many, yet feel so lonely.

This is a short post, mainly because i still can't figure out a way to put my feelings into words.