Monday, March 12, 2012

Lets Get To It!

I bet you want to know how life is going lately. Well, it's been going pretty well. I'm in love with my life. And i don't see that changing anytime soon.

Greek week is finally over. It was an absolute blast. This was hands down the best pairing ever. I fell in love with Alpha Chi Omega and the men of Phi Delt have been the shit. We got screwed over for a lot of things, but everyone knows that we had by far the best chemistry. Greek jam was SO legit. Yet again, we got screwed hardcore by the judges, but the ENTIRE greek community knows that we should have at very least placed.

Being Greek God for Pi Kapp has been the best experience i've yet to have in college. I got to meet so many people, and now i go around campus and people stop me and tell me how much they loved me at the pageant. It's kind of surreal. I love everything about it though.

And then you have this girl. The girl that finally admitted that she liked me last night. The girl that has had me going since last semester. She's amazing. She's sassy.

Song of the day:

Glad You Came by The Wanted